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JAS Financial Services LLC is a Fiduciary Fee-Only firm providing financial planning and investment management services. A Fiduciary Fee-Only Advisor, as defined by NAPFA (National Association of Personal Financial Advisors),

“A fiduciary is a professional entrusted to manage assets or wealth while putting the client’s best interest first at all times. Financial advisors who follow a fiduciary standard must disclose any conflict, or potential conflict, to their clients before and during the advisory engagement. Fiduciaries will also adopt a code of ethics and fully disclose how they are compensated.”

All services are provided by applying fiduciary principles. The only compensation I receive is directly from my clients.

JAS Financial Services, LLC offers flexible, responsive services focused on the needs and objective of each client. The services include Comprehensive Financial Planning, Advisement Services and Investment Management Services.

JAS Financial Services, LLC’s mission is to be your long-term, trusted personal financial advisor. My passion is helping clients. Goals and situations are unique to each client. Services are moldered to each client’s unique circumstances. As a fiduciary, I deliver the duties of good faith, trust, confidence, and candor. My clients’ interest always comes first.

As a fiduciary, I shall always:

  • act in good faith and with candor
  • be proactive in disclosing any conflict of interest that may impact the services provided.
  • never accept any referral fees or compensation that is contingent upon the purchase or sale of a financial product

Please call 847-328-8011 or e-mail us
to schedule a no obligation meeting to learn how our services may meet your needs and the applicable fees.