Last-Minute Agreement Ends Government Shutdown, Suspends Debt Ceiling
After a 16-day federal government shutdown and gridlock over whether to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, a last-minute agreement brought a temporary end to the impasse. The measure, formally known as the “Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014,” was passed by both houses of Congress and signed by President Obama shortly after midnight on October 17–the day on which the Treasury had said it would begin running out of cash to pay the nation’s bills.
What does the agreement do?
The legislation suspends the debt ceiling until February 7 and provides sufficient funding to reopen the government for the next three months (through January 15). It applies retroactively through October 1, the day on which the federal government was forced to begin furloughing roughly 800,000 employees.
To try to address longer-term issues, the agreement also establishes a congressional budget conference that would issue a report no later than December 13. That will be run by Sen. Patty Murray (D-Washington) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), who head their respective chambers’ budget committees. The across-the-board budget cuts known as the sequester, which were adopted as part of the agreement that ended the 2011 debt ceiling and were implemented earlier this year, remain in effect. The new agreement also requires income verification for people receiving subsidies under the Affordable Care Act, and if the debt ceiling is reached again in February, the Treasury will not be prohibited from using measures like those it has been using since May to cope with the current debt ceiling.
What exactly is the debt ceiling?
The debt ceiling represents a limit on the amount the Treasury is allowed to borrow to manage the national debt (the total amount currently owed by the U.S. government). An increase in the debt limit does not authorize additional government spending, which only Congress can approve; it enables the Treasury to help manage its cash flow and pay bills that have already been incurred.
Technically, hitting the debt ceiling is not the same as defaulting on payments. In fact, the Treasury actually hit the debt ceiling in May, and has been using various accounting measures since then to temporarily extend its ability to borrow. That created greater uncertainty about whether hitting the debt ceiling on October 17 would have prevented the country from meeting its financial obligations. That was a special concern not only for recipients of Social Security and Medicare benefits but also for investors. Because Treasuries have traditionally been seen as the safest sovereign debt in the world, overseas investors hold a substantial amount of it. The uncertainty helped underscore fears not only of a default, but that some countries might increase calls for alternatives to the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency.
How will the agreement affect financial markets?
Investors’ immediate reaction to the news was extremely positive. Word on Thursday that a deal had been reached sent the S&P 500 up 1.4% and added 206 points to the Dow Jones Industrial Average in a single day. Even if that enthusiasm fades as equities once again start to respond to other influences, it was a far cry from the reaction to the 2011 extension of the debt ceiling, which was followed by a 10.6% decline in the S&P over the week following the August 2 signing. But investors now must turn their attention once again to corporate earnings season and the question of whether the shutdown’s economic impact will affect when the Federal Reserve starts to taper its economic support.
The new agreement also helps protect the nation’s credit rating from a threatened downgrade that would have affected borrowing costs. Yields on 1-month Treasury bills, which had soared in October when several institutional investors began unloading them as the debt ceiling deadline neared, were cut in half overnight after the announcement.*
When will government agencies return to fully functional status?
The roughly 800,000 federal employees furloughed during the shutdown were instructed by the Office of Management and Budget to be ready to return to work the day after the agreement was signed. However, individual agencies may vary depending on the method each uses to notify employees, who will be entitled to receive back pay for the shutdown period.
What was the economic impact of the shutdown?
Standard & Poor’s estimated that as of the day before the agreement, the shutdown had cost the U.S. economy $24 billion, cutting roughly 0.6% from inflation-adjusted Q4 gross domestic product.** (S&P also estimated that had there been a default, the result would have put the economy into recession.)
*Source: U.S. Treasury Resource Center ( Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates as of 10/17/2013.
**Source: Standard & Poor’s press release, October 16, 2013.
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Conventional wisdom does not always apply.
This is the subject in Gregory Karp’s article, “Turning conventional wisdom on its head”, in his October 6th article in The Chicago Tribune. Following are excerpts from that article.
“Getting credit cards at a younger age can be a good thing. ‘It seems that the type of people who get credit early are better borrowers – less likely to default…’”.
“Part of the reason young borrowers become better borrowers may be that they are once bitten, twice shy. ‘They have some minor delinquencies and they learn their lesson’”.
“The takeaway? Don’t necessarily discourage a young adult from getting a credit card.”
“You might think that sticking with your auto insurer year after year breeds good will and maybe even lower rates…according to the Consumer Federation of America…some insurers are illegally jacking up car insurance rates on people who, faced with higher rates, are less likely to shop for a better deal, a practice called price optimization.” “…the takeaway is tried-and-true advice regardless of price optimization: Regularly shop around your insurance coverage to make sure you’re not overpaying.”
“Those ‘use by’ and ‘sell by’ dates on food items seem like helpful guides, but they actually don’t mean much. That’s because they are not standardized or regulated…”
Based on this article and numerous other similar articles, it may be more important than ever to exercise due diligence rather than rely on conventional wisdom.
U.S. Government Shutdown Explained
Congress failed to agree on a spending bill for the fiscal year starting October 1, 2013, resulting in the first government shutdown since 1995. According to the Congressional Research Service, this is the 18th time the federal government has shut down as a result of a failure to agree on an annual appropriations bill. Most shutdowns have lasted only a few hours or a few days. The most recent shutdown, in 1995, lasted three weeks.
What happens when the federal government shuts down?
When the government shuts down, federal agencies must generally suspend operations and furlough their employees. However, there are significant exceptions for government functions that promote national security, or protect human life and property. As a result, a shutdown doesn’t impact certain essential functions like the military, law enforcement, TSA, air traffic control, border patrol, emergency and disaster assistance, food safety, foreign embassies, prisons, and federal medical care (among others).
A shutdown also doesn’t impact federal entitlement programs (like Social Security and Medicare) that aren’t funded by discretionary annual appropriations. Funding for these programs is considered mandatory, because the legislation creating the benefit obligates the government to make payment. So benefits under these programs continue uninterrupted, and the employees who administer those benefits are generally exempt from furlough.
Finally, some agencies are funded by multiple year appropriations. Even though these agencies don’t yet have any funds appropriated for the new fiscal year, they may still have funds remaining from prior appropriations, which they can use to continue operations until those funds run out.
So what does a government shutdown mean to you?
What you can do during the shutdown:
Receive and send mail–the post office is an independent agency unaffected by the budget process
Buy insurance through one of the new health insurance Exchanges
Receive your Social Security and Medicare benefits, or apply for new benefits
Get a passport or visa–but only until the State Department’s available funding runs out (during the 1995 shutdown, 200,000 U.S. applications for passports went unprocessed)
Conduct business with the United States Patent and Trademark Office–but only until the USPTO’s available funding runs out
Receive unemployment benefits and food stamps
Get an FHA or VA mortgage
Receive medical care at a veterans hospital
Use the federal court system–but only for about 10 days
What you can’t do during the shutdown:
Stop paying taxes–the IRS will continue to process electronically submitted tax returns, but if you’re being audited, you’ll get a temporary reprieve
Get taxpayer assistance from the IRS
Get a small business loan
Go to a national park, zoo, or museum–if you’re already overnighting in a national park, you generally have two days to leave
Get a paycheck, if you’re a federal employee–unless you’re the president, a member of Congress, or in the military; however, in the past workers were paid retroactively after a new appropriations bill was passed
If you need more information, most government agencies have posted their shutdown contingency plans on their websites.
And there’s more to come…
The shutdown is separate and distinct from another looming crisis–the debt ceiling. According to Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, it’s anticipated that the United States will run out of funds as soon as October 17, and will default on its debts, unless Congress acts to raise the debt ceiling before then. More on that crisis to follow…
The shutdown is separate and distinct from another looming crisis–the debt ceiling. According to Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, it’s anticipated the United States will run out of funds as soon as October 17, and will default on its debts, unless Congress acts to raise the debt ceiling before then.
Fees of a Fee-Only adviser are only paid by the client.
I have not understood why there has been any resistance to requiring financial planners and investment managers to be held to a fiduciary standard. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) may indicate why some do not want to be held to a fiduciary standard.
The Free Dictionary by FARLEX defines a Fiduciary as: “An individual in whom another has placed the utmost trust and confidence to manage and protect property or money. The relationship wherein one person has an obligation to act for another’s benefit.”
A fiduciary relationship encompasses the idea of faith and confidence and is generally established only when the confidence given by one person is actually accepted by the other person.”
Many of us believe it is putting the client first.
Jason Zweig’s September 20th article “ ‘Fee-Only’ Financial Advisers Who Don’t Charge Fees Alone” may show why there is resistance to a fiduciary standard for financial planners and investment managers. They found that 24% of the 33,949 certified financial planners (CFP) they analyzed described their compensation as “fee-only”.
The article notes that “Securities lawyers and government regulators say that an adviser who works for a brokerage firm or insurance company that charges commissions shouldn’t describe his services as ‘fee only’, even if the adviser himself doesn’t charge commissions to his clients.” Although none of the CFPs at major banks and brokerage firms, the WSJ identified 661 listed CFPs who call themselves ‘fee-only’” at some of the major banks and brokerage firms. The problem extends beyond CFPs.
Can you argue that if the compensation is not accurate, the advisor is not a fiduciary?
IRS provides guidance for recognition of same-sex marriages
IRS recently ruled (Rev. Rul. 2013-17) that all legal same-sex marriages will be recognized for Federal Tax purposes. This applies to all taxes including: income, gift and estate taxes. That would include qualified retirement plans and other employee benefits. The determination is based on the status under the laws of the state where the marriage was established. This is the rule even if the state of their domicile does not recognize the marriage.
The ruling does not apply to registered domestic partnerships, civil unions or similar relationships recognized under state law that are not denominated as marriages. Currently Illinois has authorized civil unions but does not denominate them as marriages. Individuals that have had a civil union in Illinois are not considered married for Federal tax purposes.
The ruling was triggered by the recent decision of the Supreme Court in “United States v. Windsor”. That case ruled that a portion of the “Defense of Marriage Act “ (DOMA) relating to the definition of “marriage’ was unconstitutional.
Following are excerpts from the ruling:
“There are more than two hundred Code provisions and Treasury regulations relating to the internal revenue laws that include the terms ‘spouse’, ‘marriage’ …” husband and/or wife. “The Service concludes that gender-neutral terms in the Code that refer to marital status, such as ‘spouse’ and ‘marriage, ‘include, respectively, (1) an individual married to a person of the same sex if the couple is lawfully married under state law, and (2) such a marriage between “individuals of the same sex.”
“Given our increasingly mobile society, it is important to have a uniform rule of recognition that can be applied with certainty by the Service and taxpayers alike for all Federal tax purposes. Those overriding tax administration policy goals generally apply with equal force in the context of same-sex marriages.”
“For Federal tax purposes, the Service adopts a general rule recognizing a marriage of same-sex individuals that was validly entered into in a state whose laws authorize the marriage of two individuals of the same sex even if the married couple is domiciled in a state that does not recognize the validity of same-sex marriages.”
“Except as provided below, affected taxpayers also may rely on this revenue ruling for the purpose of filing original returns, amended returns, adjusted returns, or claims for credit or refund for any overpayment of tax resulting from these holdings, provided the applicable limitations period for filing such claim under section 6511 has not expired. If an affected taxpayer files an original return, amended return, adjusted return, or claim for credit or refund in reliance on this revenue ruling, all items required to be reported on the return or claim that are affected by the marital status of the taxpayer must be adjusted to be consistent with the marital status reported on the return or claim.”
Taxpayers may rely (subject to the conditions in the preceding paragraph regarding the applicable limitations period and consistency within the return or claim) on this revenue ruling retroactively with respect to any employee benefit plan or arrangement or any benefit provided there under only for purposes of filing original returns, amended returns, adjusted returns, or claims for credit or refund of an overpayment of tax concerning employment tax and income tax with respect to employer-provided health coverage benefits or fringe benefits that were provided by the employer and are excludable from income under sections 106, 117(d), 119, 129, or 132 based on an individual’s marital status. For purposes of the preceding sentence, if an employee made a pre-tax salary-reduction election for health coverage under a section 125 cafeteria plan sponsored by an employer and also elected to provide health coverage for a same-sex spouse on an after-tax basis under a group health plan sponsored by that employer, an affected taxpayer may treat the amounts that were paid by the employee for the coverage of the same-sex spouse on an after-tax basis as pre-tax salary reduction amounts.”
IRS recognizes marriaged based on state of the ceremony
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It is important for you to understand your tolerance for risk and capacity to recover from investment losses. Financial professionals need to understand this also. It is part of the understanding needed to help develop a foundation to guide you through your life’s journey.
Risk tolerance is your capacity to withstand a loss. Your capacity to withstand a financial loss is your ability to recover from or absorb a financial loss and still be able reach your financial goals. If the probability of an investment portfolio is too low, then the person does not have the capacity to withstand the loss.
If you do not have the tolerance or capacity to withstand a loss, something else may need to be changed. It may be any combination of actions including: increasing income, lowering expenses, increasing savings, or lowering financial goals.
The reliability of your sources of income is another factor to consider. If have a good job with a strong reliable company in a growing industry, you are in a better position to withstand investment losses. However, if you are not satisfied with your employment you are not in as good of a position to withstand investment losses.
Age and health are two other factors to consider. If you are in the earlier stages of you career, you have more time and resources to recover from investment losses. The existence of health issues generally reduces the ability and flexibility to withstand losses.
Future plans to start a new business and to travel extensively are two other factors to consider. These plans may reduce your ability and flexibility to recover from investment risks.
This discussion is an introduction to an understanding of your risk tolerance and capacity. Without this understanding, your financial planning may not be achievable.
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Tips for selecting a fianncial professional
Linda Stern (Reuters) provided some tips for getting help selecting a financial planner and/or adviser in her August 4, 2013 column in the Chicago Tribune.
The first part of the article summarizes the battle that has been going on since the 1990s to impose a requirement that all financial planners and/or advisers put their client’s interest first. The point she was making is that you should not wait until Congress decides who should be covered and by what standard as an excuse for not getting help with your financial matters.
“If you are getting your financial advice for free, you are not getting an adviser who is putting…” your interest first. “Smart and unconflicted financial advice is worth something…” Many of us provide guidance, support, etc. for those that want to manage their financial matters themselves.
“Look for the term ‘fiduciary planner’.” Until Washington waters it down, it means the adviser has to make sure your investments are the best possible investments for you.” Those that have the Personal Financial Specialists Credential (PFS) had to establish they had the specified experience, specified education and successful completion of the required examination. As a member of the AICPA, we are also are subject to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. CPA/PFS professionals must maintain objectivity and integrity, be free of conflicts of interest, and shall not knowingly misrepresent the facts. Some believe these requirements are the essence of the fiduciary duty.
“Regardless of where you get your advice, make sure your assets are held in a bona fide brokerage account insured by the Securities Investor Protection Corp. “
Bottom line is that you should not delay planning. Delays can limit you alternatives and require more effort to reach your financial goals. You should also do your due diligence in selecting a professional to guide you through the process.
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Does the Health-Care Reform Law Apply to You?
Beginning in 2014, the mandatory health insurance coverage provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) go into effect. But the law does not require everyone to have health insurance, nor are all of the coverage requirements applicable to all types of health insurance.
Are you exempt from the health insurance mandate?
Most U.S. citizens and legal residents are required to have health insurance beginning in January 2014 or face a penalty tax that can be as high as 1% of taxable household income exceeding the taxpayer’s federal income tax filing threshold (increasing to 2% in 2015, and 2.5% in 2016). You can avoid the penalty tax if you already have health insurance for the entire year, and the coverage is obtained from one of the following:
Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
TRICARE (for service members, their families, and retirees)
The veteran’s health program
Employer-provided health coverage
A policy you purchase on your own that’s at least at the Bronze level
A plan that is grandfathered (in existence prior to the enactment of the ACA that meets the requirements of grandfathered plans under the law)
However, certain groups are not required to be insured and thus are not subject to the penalty tax. The ACA specifically excludes people who are members of an exempt religious sect or division, members of a health-care sharing ministry, Native Americans, undocumented immigrants, incarcerated individuals, people whose income is so low that they don’t have to file federal income taxes, and people eligible for a hardship exemption (when the cost of insurance after employer contributions and federal subsidies exceeds 8% of their income).
What types of insurance are not affected by the health-care reform law?
The health-care reform law does not apply to automobile insurance, homeowners insurance, and umbrella liability coverage, even though they provide some health-related coverage. Also not subject to the law’s provisions are life, accident, disability, long-term care, and workers’ compensation insurance. Medigap (Medicare supplement) insurance is generally not covered by the ACA if it’s sold as a separate plan and not as part of a comprehensive health insurance policy. In addition, retiree-only plans are exempt from the ACA’s provisions. These plans are group health insurance plans with fewer than two participants who are current employees.
For more consumer information about enrolling in a health insurance plan, government subsidies, and tax credits, visit the U.S. government’s website,
“Protect Your Capital: Never Chase High Yield”
Donald Cassidy’s article in the July 2013 issue of the AAII Journal provides timely insights in today’s low interest environment. Following is the beginning and conclusion of the article. The message is clear.
“Higher current yield reflects greater risk. This is true across asset types and among securities within the same type. Investors who chase yield are gambling, knowingly or naively, that the market is wrong and that their principal will not be significantly impaired. In the current artificial low-yield climate, risk to capital is real but is being ignored more than usual, as investors seek to replicate the income streams available pre-2007.”
His “article covers several income-oriented asset types: high-yield bonds, preferred stocks, so-
called hybrid preferreds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), master limited partnerships (MLPs), closed-end funds and utility common stocks. While the capital soundness differs by asset type, one key caution is equally true for all: High yield means high risk.”
“Unfortunately, some securities salespeople gravitate to high-yield offerings since they are an ‘easy sell’ to clients, who seldom ask penetrating questions about attendant risks. Such pitches should be refused, as they are clues to the offerers’ character. The aftermarket, readily accessed via numerous screening tools, can be just as dangerous for do-it-yourself investors without a salesperson making titillating offers.”
“The market, while not reliably efficient, is not dependably stupid. Income vehicles trading at higher yields within their asset classes do so because of greater risk—of reduced income payments and the It is tempting but very risky to reach for yield. In some future business downturn, companies seeming to offer higher yields now are most at risk of reducing or skipping their payouts. Unless an investor is unusually prescient and adept at selling or has proven skills at finding lasting bargains among depressed securities, yield chasing is a losing game.”
“If you need more income than the present rate environment allows, accept lower yield with safety and growth, and sell off a couple of percent of assets annually as an income supplement. Always avoid yield chasing.”
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The Supreme Court’s Ruling in the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Same-Sex Marriage Rights Case impact planning.
On June 26, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a landmark case related to same-sex marriage (SSM) (United States v. Windsor). The 5-4 decision increases the federal tax (and non-tax) benefits available to married same-sex couples. The ruling affords same-sex couples, who are married and reside in a state which recognizes same-sex marriages, with the same federal rights and obligations (including tax benefits and rules) as heterosexual married couples. As discussed further at the end of this letter, there are many remaining issues that need to be clarified, including if and how the right to federal benefits will be protected when a couple marries in a state where same-sex marriage is legal, then moves to a state where the marriage is not recognized. For many of the possible impacts of this ruling mentioned below in this letter, it may depend on how the federal government interprets the decision and modifies the rules. The IRS is already working on clarifying guidance, so we expect to know more details in the coming months.
Same-sex couples who have not been legally married are unaffected by this ruling until their marital status is legally changed according to state or foreign country law.
The case has broad federal tax planning and compliance implications. This letter will provide:
- An overview of the Supreme Court’s decision and what it may mean for you;
- Considerations with respect to estate, retirement, income tax, and health and welfare benefits plans; and
- Actions to consider with respect to long term planning and tax return preparation.
Tax Implications
Tax benefits that may now be available to and issues facing legally married same-sex couples include:
- Joint filing of federal income tax returns
- Amending of prior tax returns
- Filing of protective refund claims
- Pre-tax basis of employer-provided health-care benefits
- Deductible and includable alimony
- Income tax-free transfers between spouses
- Lifetime gift tax-free property transfers to spouses
- Estate tax relief for surviving spouses
- Spousal IRA contributions, rollovers, required minimum distributions
Filing of Tax Returns
Following the decision, same-sex couples that the federal tax law now recognizes as married may have the option or even be required to use married filing joint or married filing separate filing status. Filing joint returns may also allow married same-sex couples to exclude up to $500,000 of gain from gross income on the sale of a principal residence, as opposed to $250,000 for unmarried individuals. Married same-sex couples with foreign assets may want to reconsider their foreign information reporting requirements as filing thresholds for a married couple are often lower than the combined filing thresholds for two unmarried individuals and constructive ownership rules apply to spouses.
Amending of Tax Returns
Consideration should be given to amending federal income tax returns and gift and estate tax returns (for years that are still open under the tax law’s statute of limitations) to change marital and filing status and other information that will alter the tax calculations and potentially result in a lower tax liability. State tax implications also should be reviewed. Returns may be amended to correct filing status, dependents, income, deductions, or tax credits. Couples may want to estimate the income tax liability that would have been due in previous years if the couple had been able file a joint return. Even basic items are impacted, such as standard deductions, child-related tax credits, and phase-outs of certain benefits, such as the education expense deduction. Another example of a tax change is where one spouse could have had capital losses on investments in prior years that the other spouse’s gains would offset if they could have filed joint federal returns. However, the “marriage penalty” could be applicable for some couples and the married filing joint or married filing separate filing status may result in a higher tax liability, especially high-earning couples where both spouses are working. Each situation will need to be reviewed carefully.
Amending returns most likely means that both spouses need to amend. It is likely that one spouse will owe taxes (and interest) and the other will receive a refund. Upcoming IRS guidance may indicate how these returns are to be filed, such as with some explanation or filed together. IRS guidance may indicate whether amended returns are required or optional.
Filing of Protective Refund Claims
If the right to a refund is contingent on future events (including issuance of guidance by the IRS) and is not determinable until after the time period for amending returns expires, a taxpayer can file a protective claim for refund. The claim is often based on current litigation (constitutionality); expected changes in tax law; changes in legislation, or regulations. A protective claim preserves the right to claim a refund when the contingency is resolved. Generally, the IRS allows taxpayers to amend returns for up to three years after the filing deadline or up to two years after the taxes are paid. Some couples may have more time if they filed protective claims for previous tax years that would give them an extension for amending returns. If the statute is soon expiring on an extended return or estate tax return, we should discuss immediately the possibility of filing a protective refund claim, even if the forthcoming IRS guidance is not yet issued.
Excludable Employer-Provided Fringe Benefits
Employer-provided fringe benefits used by the same-sex spouse of an employee should also be excludable from gross income. Now that taxes should no longer be a factor, some couples may want to re-evaluate their health insurance choices. One spouse may now be able to move onto the other’s more generous plan, which may also be more affordable.
Also, even if not changing health plans, some couples may be able to file an amended return to collect the taxes they may have paid on those benefits in previous years. Consideration should be given to claiming refunds of overpaid income and payroll taxes based on previous denial of tax-free extensions of employer-provided medical and dental benefits.
Adoption Credit
Some couples may want to consider any adoption tax credit and whether a change in federal filing status will have an impact on the credit.
Deductible and Includable Alimony
Married same-sex couples who later divorce should be able to take a deduction for alimony, which would be includable in the income of the recipient.
Income Tax-Free Transfers of Property Between Spouses
In addition, gain or loss should not be recognized on the transfer of property between same-sex spouses or between former spouses incident to a divorce.
Gift and Estate-Tax Free Transfers/Unlimited Marital Deduction
Married same-sex couples should be able to claim the unlimited marital deduction for federal estate and gift tax purposes, allowing a spouse to transfer an unrestricted amount of assets to his or her spouse at any time, including at the death of the transferor, free from gift and estate tax. The unlimited marital deduction is considered an estate preservation tool because assets can be distributed to surviving spouses without incurring estate or gift tax liabilities. Some couples that set up trusts to avoid double taxation on assets being passed along to their partners may find that a trust is no longer necessary now that assets can be passed directly to a spouse tax-free. Others may want to update their trusts to give their spouses tax-free access to the trust’s income or principal, an option this is now available to married same-sex couples.
In addition, married same-sex couples should be able to elect to split gifts in order to take advantage of a doubled annual gift tax exclusion ($14,000 for 2013, for a total tax-free gift of $28,000). The ruling could also make it possible for married same-sex couples to share assets without being subject to gift taxes. For example, prior to the ruling, couples that owned a house together but did not equally split mortgage payments and other expenses may have had those expenses covered by one spouse be subject to gift taxes if they exceeded $14,000 annually. Now that those marriages are recognized by the federal government, some married same-sex couples may feel more comfortable adding spouses name to the property title, knowing that they have more flexibility on how they choose to split those expenses and with no gift tax implications.
Portability of Unused Estate Tax Exemption Amount
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extended permanently the concept of portability, which generally allows the estate of a surviving spouse to utilize the unused portion of the estate tax applicable exclusion amount ($5.1 million in 2012, and $5.25 million in 2013) of his or her last predeceased spouse. Now, the surviving spouse of a married same-sex couple should be able to take advantage of portability of the unused estate tax exemption amount of their deceased spouse.
Related Party Rules
Same- sex married couples who are now considered married for federal income and gift and estate purposes are subject to related party rules. This could impact the tax consequences of transactions between same-sex spouses. Prior to this ruling, married same-sex couples were treated for tax purposes as not related for certain transactions such as selling property between them and recognizing a loss. After this ruling, recognition of this same loss would not be allowed under the related party rules.
Spousal IRA Contributions, Rollovers, and Required Minimum Distribution
Married same-sex couples now have many more retirement plan options and issues to consider, including spousal IRAs, contributions, beneficiary designations, rollovers, and required minimum distribution (RMD) rules. Married ame-sex couples with the only beneficiary a spouse who is more than 10 years younger can now use the joint table rather than the “uniform table” for distributions. A surviving spouse can now consider whether to make a spousal rollover of a deceased spouse’s IRA or 401(k).
Other Federal Benefits
In addition, below are some of the federal benefits or protections that may now be available to legally married same-sex couples:
- Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits
- Certain veterans benefits, such as pensions and survivor’s benefits
- Military spousal benefits
- Family medical leave rights
- Spousal visas for foreign national spouses
- Private pension benefit options (e.g., survivor annuities)
- Application of the thresholds for the tax penalties and health insurance subsidies available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Income and Estate and Gift Tax Planning Issues
Some of the specific individual income tax and estate and gift tax planning issues that may be impacted and should be considered are:
- Income Tax Planning Issues
- Joint tax returns
- Amended income tax returns
- Income tax returns beyond the statute of limitations
- Rollover IRAs at death
- Spousal IRA contributions and rollovers
- IRA required minimum distributions
- Divorce tax issues
- Application of the adoption tax credit
- Estate & Gift Tax Planning
- Updated estate plans and documents
- Inter vivos Gifts
- Amended gift tax returns
- Gift and estate tax returns beyond the statute of limitations
- Portability of unused applicable lifetime exemption
- Grantor trusts
- Spousal rollover
- Beneficiary designations
- Retirement plans
- Community property rules
- Marital Agreements
IRS Guidance Expected Soon
The Supreme Court’s DOMA ruling means that married same-sex couples are entitled to the same federal benefits as heterosexual couples, but it does not necessarily make financial planning and tax compliance for married same-sex couples less complicated. Even though federal benefits are immediately extended, it may take some time to fully implement the Supreme Court’s decision. Marriage is the “trigger” for more than 1,000 tax and benefit provisions in the Tax Code and other statutory provisions.
Federal government agencies, including the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service, will need to review and modify rules and regulations. Employers will need to review and revise their policies and procedures regarding benefits and withholding. Married same-sex couples will need to consider the new rules and policies, including their tax situation. Affected couples should consider updating their estate plans based upon the estate and gift tax impact, as well as their financial plans.
One tax issue to be addressed is the reality that at least 30 tax rules use the term “husband and wife” rather than married couple or spouses. Another issue to resolve is whether the federal tax law treats a couple as married based on the law of the state of celebration (where the marriage was performed) or the state of domicile (where the couple resides). The answers may not be the same for the federal tax law and Social Security law. This may be a matter that Congress may need to address rather than the IRS.
There may be some state tax issues to address as well. For example, federal employees may be entitled to certain benefits that others are not, and states likely will need to clarify what the state tax treatment is if the state does not recognize same-sex marriage. Also, if the federal tax law uses the state of celebration to determine if a married same-sex couple is married and the state of domicile does not respect that, the state will need to provide guidance on how to convert the federal joint return to separate state returns.
The day after the ruling, on June 27, 2013, IRS issued a statement that it will “move swiftly to provide revised guidance in the near future,” so we will keep you informed when such guidance is issued and what you should consider doing based on that guidance. We expect that various IRS publications and website information that provide guidance to married individuals will likely be revised.
It may take longer than expected for the IRS to respond. The IRS has been given increased responsabilities and the congressional budget process reduced their funding. With reduced staff and training any resources they devote to these matter will reduce their ability to administer the tax laws that Congress has passed.
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