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Posts from the ‘Government & Regulatory’ Category


Tariffs: How They Work and Potential Economic Effects

President Trump authorized an additional 25% tariff on all goods entering the United States from Canada and Mexico (except for a lower 10% tariff on energy resources from Canada) and an additional 10% tariff on all goods, from China on February 1, 2025. Nine days later, Trump authorized a 25% tariff on steel and aluminum, effective March 12, which strengthened and elevated tariffs levied by the first Trump administration in 2018.1 These were the opening salvos in what promises to be a period of aggressive moves that is likely to shake up the global trade environment.

A tariff is a tax on a particular class of imported goods or services that is typically designed to help protect domestic industries from foreign competition. However, the Trump administration is also using tariffs as leverage for other goals. The tariffs on Mexico and Canada — our two largest trading partners — were suspended for a month after both countries promised major initiatives to secure their U.S. borders against the flow of fentanyl and illegal immigrants.2 Despite these efforts, the tariffs went into effect on March 4. Canada quickly retaliated with 25% tariffs on about $100 billion of U.S. goods, while Mexico promised to announce retaliation measures on March 9.3

On the other hand, China — which exports some of the chemicals used to manufacture fentanyl — immediately responded to the February 1 action by raising its tariffs on selected U.S. exports by 10% to 15%.4 Trump added another 10% tariff on all Chinese goods, which also went into effect on March 4, and China shot back with new 10%–15% tariffs on U.S. agricultural goods as well as restrictions on certain U.S. companies.5


Although the U.S. Constitution specifically grants Congress the power to levy tariffs (also called duties), Congress has delegated much of that authority to the President over the last 90 years. This has led to numerous trade agreements that have created a low-tariff, rules-based global trading structure, with tariffs applied on selected products. Over the past 70 years, tariffs have seldom accounted for more than 2% of federal revenue and were just 1.57% in FY 2024. Prior to the recent actions, about 70% of all foreign goods entered the United States duty-free.6

Who pays for tariffs?

Tariffs are collected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection at U.S. ports of entry. The tariff is paid by the U.S. company or individual who imports the goods. Put simply, if a U.S. company imports $1 million of foreign steel with a 25% tariff, that steel costs the company an additional $250,000 for a total of $1.25 million.

The U.S. company might then absorb all or part of the additional cost or pass it to consumers who buy products made from the steel. Alternately, the foreign steel exporter might lower its prices to maintain access to the U.S. market, in which case the U.S. company would still pay the 25% tariff, but the total price would not rise by the full 25% over the pre-tariff price.

The other factor in this equation, which is the traditional purpose of tariffs, is that the U.S. importer might buy steel from a U.S. manufacturer, thus avoiding the extra tax. The questions then are: 1) Will the U.S. manufacturer raise its price because it no longer must compete with cheaper imports? 2) Will there be enough U.S.-manufactured steel to meet demand?

Lessons from round one

There have been numerous studies of the 2018-19 tariffs, which were not as restrictive as the new program but offer some possible answers to these questions. Almost all the steel and aluminum tariff costs were passed directly to U.S. companies in the form of prices that rose by about 22% and 8%, respectively. However, many foreign producers received exemptions from the tariffs, and U.S. steel and aluminum production — which represented more than two-thirds of the U.S. market before the tariffs — grew moderately to meet demand, rising by an annual average of $2.8 billion over the period from 2018 to 2021. Even so, companies that had depended on cheaper imported metal struggled, and overall production of goods that use steel and aluminum decreased by an annual average of $3.4 billion.7

U.S. importers also bore near the full cost of the broader tariffs on Chinese goods but generally passed only part of the costs to consumers.8 However, a separate tariff on washing machines added $86 to the retail price of a washing machine and $92 to the price of a dryer, ultimately costing consumers over $1.5 billion.9 Broadly, a 2024 analysis found that the 2018–19 tariffs (many continued by the Biden administration), combined with retaliatory tariffs by other countries, reduced U.S. gross domestic product by a little more than 0.2% and cost about 169,000 full-time jobs.10

Reciprocal tariffs and de minimis suspension

Trump has also ordered a study of reciprocal tariffs, which would set tariffs based dollar-for-dollar on the tariffs each country charges on U.S. goods, as well as nontariff trade barriers. As with most issues related to tariffs, there are differing opinions on this. At best, reciprocal tariffs could lead to negotiating lower tariffs and removing barriers that prevent U.S. businesses from operating in a foreign country. At worst, they could lead to a global trade war, with ever-increasing tariffs and barriers.11

Along with the 10% tariff on Chinese goods, Trump excluded China from the de minimis provision of U.S. customs law that exempts goods valued at less than $800. This would make cheap goods from Chinese online retailers, which are often shipped directly to consumers, subject to existing tariffs plus the new 10% tariff. The exclusion was suspended on February 7 to give the U.S. Postal Service and Customs and Border Protection time to develop a plan to collect the tariffs.12 It’s unclear how this change will affect consumer prices, but processing could slow delivery times.13


Most economists believe that tariffs cause inflation, and President Trump admitted there might be short-term price increases. The potential for tariff-driven inflation is of particular concern in the current economy; two recent surveys show a significant decline in consumer confidence due to inflation fears.14–15 The full economic impact will depend on how the tariff program plays out — how much is intended as a negotiating tool and how much turns into long-term policy. For now, it would be wise to maintain a steady course and keep an eye on further developments.

1) The White House, February 1 and 11, 2025

2) CBS News, February 3, 2025

3, 5) CNN Business, March 5, 2025

4) AP News, February 4, 2025

6) Congressional Research Service, January 31, 2025

7) U.S. International Trade Commission, May 2023

8) National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2019

9) University of Chicago, April 2019

10) Tax Foundation, February 13, 2025

11, 14) The Wall Street Journal, February 13, 2025

12) CNBC, February 7, 2025

13) AP News, February 5, 2025

15) CNN Business, February 25, 2025


Federal 2024 Tax Filing Season Began January 27

IRS began accepting and processing 2024 tax-year returns on Monday, January 27, 2025.

Tips for making filing easier

To speed a potential tax refund and help with tax filing, the IRS suggests the following:

  • Make sure you have received Form W-2 and other earnings information, such as Form 1099, from employers and payers. The dates for furnishing such information to recipients vary by form, but they are generally not required before February 1, 2025. You may need to allow additional time for mail delivery.
  • Go to to find the federal individual income tax returns, Form 1040 and Form 1040-SR (available for seniors born before January 2, 1960), and their instructions.
  • File electronically and use direct deposit.
  • Check for the latest tax information.

Key filing dates

Here are several important dates to keep in mind:

  • January 10. IRS Free File opened. IRS Free File Guided Tax Software, available only at, allows participating software companies to accept completed tax returns of any taxpayer or family with an adjusted gross income of $84,000 or less in 2024 and hold them until they can be electronically filed with the IRS starting January 27. Also beginning January 27, Free File Fillable forms were available to taxpayers of any income level to fill out and e-file themselves at no cost.
  • January 27. IRS began accepting and processing individual tax returns. Also, Direct File (a web-based service that works on mobile phones, laptops, tablets, or desktop computers) opened to eligible taxpayers (check at; not all tax situations are covered) in 25 states to file their taxes directly with the IRS for free.
  • April 15. Deadline for filing 2024 tax returns (or requesting an extension) for most taxpayers.
  • October 15. Deadline to file for those who requested an extension on their 2024 tax returns.

Tax refunds

The IRS encourages taxpayers seeking a tax refund to file their tax return as soon as possible. The IRS expects to issue most tax refunds within 21 days of their receiving a tax return if the return is filed electronically, the tax refund is delivered through direct deposit, and there are no issues with the tax return. To minimize delays in processing, the IRS encourages people to avoid  paper tax returns whenever possible.


Act Increases Benefits for Millions The Social Security Fairness

Under the Social Security Fairness Act signed by President Biden on January 5, 2025, almost 3 million Americans will receive a boost to their Social Security benefits.1 This bill, which had bipartisan support, restores full Social Security benefits to some public-sector employees, including teachers, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and others who have been affected by two provisions of current federal law — the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).

Although the increased benefit amount for individuals will vary, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has estimated that eliminating the GPO will increase monthly benefits for 380,000 impacted spouses by $700 on average and by $1,190 on average for 390,000 impacted surviving spouses. Eliminating  the WEP will increase monthly benefits for approximately 2.1 million impacted individuals by $360 on average. 2

Those affected will be entitled to higher benefits starting in January 2025. Individuals who received benefits in 2024 will also be entitled to back payments equal to the difference between what they received in 2024 and what they would have received without a GPO or WEP reduction.

Some background

Both the GPO and the WEP were originally intended to equalize benefits for those who receive Social Security benefits based on a job where they contributed to  Social Security through payroll taxes (covered employment) and a pension from a job where Social Security payroll taxes were not withheld (noncovered employment).  For decades, advocates for reform have been trying to change or repeal these provisions, arguing that they are unfair and cause  financial hardship.

Enacted in 1977, the GPO has affected spouses and surviving spouses who receive pensions from a federal, state, or local government or non-U.S. employer based on noncovered employment and who also qualify for Social Security benefits based on their spouses’ work histories in covered employment. The GPO reduces Social Security spousal or widow(er) benefits by two-thirds of the amount of the pension. The reduction was intended  to help ensure that the spousal and widow(er) benefits of those with covered or noncovered lifetime earnings would be about equal.

Enacted in 1983, the WEP has affected individuals who receive Social Security retirement or disability benefits based on their own covered employment (if fewer than 30 years) and a pension from noncovered employment. The Social Security benefit formula is progressive, meaning it replaces a greater share of career-average earnings for lower-paid workers than for higher-paid workers. The WEP was passed so that workers receiving pensions from noncovered employment would not receive higher  benefits because the Social Security benefit formula did not count their noncovered earnings, making it appear as if they were lower-paid workers. A modified formula was implemented to figure benefits for those affected by the WEP, resulting in lower monthly Social Security benefits; the reduction was limited to half of the amount of the pension.

While advocates of the bill are cheering, opponents of the bill are concerned that repealing  the GPO and the WEP will worsen the outlook for the combined Social Security trust funds. According to a CBO cost estimate, the depletion date for the combined Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) trust funds  could be pushed forward about six months, potentially leading to a substantial reduction in Social Security benefits for all beneficiaries even sooner than expected, unless Congress acts to address the impending trust fund shortfall.3

What happens next?

If you’re among those affected, be aware that implementing benefit changes may take some time, according to a message from the Social Security Administration:

“At this time, the Social Security Administration is evaluating the law and how to implement it. We will provide more information on our website, as soon as it is available. If you are already entitled, you do not need to take any action at this time except to verify that we have your current mailing address and direct deposit information. If you are receiving a public pension and are now interested in filing for benefits, you may file online at or schedule an appointment.”4

The SSA notes that you can verify your current mailing address and direct deposit information online without calling or visiting a Social Security office by signing in to a personal my Social Security account or creating one on the SSA website.

1–3) Congressional Budget Office, September 2024

4) Social Security Administration, December 2024


Year-End Charitable Giving

The tax benefits associated with charitable giving could potentially enhance your ability to give and should be considered as part of your year-end tax planning.

Tax deduction for charitable gifts

If you itemize deductions on your federal income tax return, you can generally deduct your gifts to qualified charities. This may also help increase your gift.

Example: Assume you want to make a charitable gift of $1,000. One way to potentially enhance the  gift is to increase it by the amount of any income taxes you save with the charitable deduction for the gift. At a 24% tax rate, you might be able to give $1,316 to charity [$1,000 ÷ (1 – 24%) = $1,316; $1,316 x 24% = $316 taxes saved]. On the other hand, at a 32% tax rate, you might be able to give $1,471 to charity [$1,000 ÷ (1 – 32%) = $1,471; $1,471 x 32% = $471 taxes saved].

Note, the amount of your deduction may be limited to certain percentages of your adjusted gross income (AGI). Your deduction for gifts to charity is limited to 50% (currently increased to 60% for cash contributions to public charities), 30%, or 20% of your AGI, depending on the type of property you give and the type of organization to which you contribute. Charitable deductions that exceed the AGI limits may generally be carried over and deducted over the next five years, subject to the income percentage limits in those years.

It is important to retain proper substantiation of your charitable contributions. In order to claim a charitable deduction for any contribution of cash, a check, or other monetary gift, you must maintain a record of such contributions through a bank record (such as a cancelled check, a bank or credit union statement, or a credit-card statement) or a written communication (such as a receipt or letter) from the charity showing the name of the charity, the date of the contribution, and the amount of the contribution. If you claim a charitable deduction for any contribution of $250 or more, you must substantiate the contribution with a contemporaneous written acknowledgment of the contribution from the charity. There are additional requirements if you make any noncash contributions,

Year-end tax planning

When making charitable gifts at the end of the year, you should consider them as part of your year-end tax planning. Typically, you have a certain amount of control over the timing of income and expenses. You generally want to time your recognition of income so that it will be taxed at the lowest rate possible, and time your deductible expenses so they can be claimed in years when you are in a higher tax bracket.

For example, if you expect to be in a higher tax bracket next year, it may make sense to wait and make the charitable contribution in January so that you can take the deduction next year when the deduction results in a greater tax benefit. Or you might shift the charitable contribution, along with other deductions, into a year when your itemized deductions would be greater than the standard deduction amount. And if the income percentage limits above are a concern in one year, you might consider ways to shift income into that year or shift deductions out of that year, so that a larger charitable deduction is available for that year. A tax professional can help you evaluate your individual tax situation.

A word of caution

When making charitable contributions, be sure to deal with recognized charities and be wary of charities with names that sound like reputable charitable organizations. It is common for scam artists to impersonate reputable charities using bogus websites as well as misleading email, phone, social media, and in-person solicitations. Check out the charity on the IRS website,, using the Tax-Exempt Organization Search tool. And remember, don’t send cash; contribute by check or credit card.

Qualified Charitable Distributions from an IRA
Individuals must be  701/2 or older to make tax-free charitable donation up to $105,000 in 2024. Among the requirements are that the payments must be paid directly from the IRA to a qualified charitable organization and receive an acknowledgement from the charitable organization. The acknowledgment must state the date and the amount of the contribution. The acknowledgement must also state whether the donor received anything of value for the payment.



Medicare Open Enrollment Kicks Off

Medicare’s Open Enrollment period began on October 15 and runs through December 7. If you are covered by Medicare, it’s time to compare your current coverage with other available options. Medicare plans can change every year, and you may want to switch to a health or prescription drug plan that better suits your needs or your budget.

During this period, you can:

  • Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan, and vice versa
  • Change from one Medicare Advantage Plan to a different Medicare Advantage Plan
  • Change from a Medicare Advantage Plan that offers prescription drug coverage to a Medicare Advantage Plan that doesn’t offer prescription drug coverage, and vice versa
  • Join a Medicare Part D drug plan, switch from one Part D plan to another, or drop your Part D coverage

Any changes made during Open Enrollment are effective as of January 1, 2025.

Original Medicare (Part A) hospital insurance and (Part B) medical insurance) is administered directly by the federal government and includes standardized premiums, deductibles, copays, and coinsurance costs.

A Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plan is an alternative to Original Medicare. Medicare Advantage Plans cover all Original Medicare services and often include prescription drug coverage and extra benefits. They are offered by private companies approved by Medicare. Premiums, deductibles, copays, and coinsurance costs vary by plan.

Medicare (Part D) drug plans, like Medicare Advantage Plans, are offered by private companies and help cover prescription drug costs.

Key  changes for 2025

  • Medicare Part D: As of January 1, all Medicare Part D  plans will  include an annual $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket on costs for  prescription drugs covered by the plan. No copayment or coinsurance costs for Part D drugs will apply for the rest of the year. In addition, enrollees can opt in to a Medicare Prescription Payment Plan to pay their out-of-pocket prescription drug costs monthly rather than all at once at the pharmacy.
  • Medicare Advantage: During the summer, Medicare Advantage Plans will  send out a  mid-year statement to enrollees that shows supplemental benefits available but unused and remind  enrollees how to  take advantage of them.
  • Original Medicare:  Starting in July, more caregivers of people with dementia who are not residing in a nursing home and are covered by Original Medicare may have access to a model program called Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE). This program, which initially rolled out in July 2024, provides a 24/7 support line, care coordination, referrals to community-based social services, caregiver training, and respite services. Although this program will be expanded in 2025, it won’t be available in all communities. Visit the CMS Innovation website at to find out if a program is available in your area.

Compare your options

Start by reviewing any materials your plan has sent you. Look at the coverage offered, the costs, and the  network of  providers, which may be different than last year. Maybe your health has changed, or you anticipate needing medical care or new or pricier prescription drugs.

If your current plan doesn’t meet your healthcare needs or fit your budget, you can make changes. If you’re satisfied with what you currently have, you don’t have to do anything — your current coverage will continue.

If you’re interested in a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare Part D drug plan, you can use the Medicare Plan Finder on to see which plans are available in your area and check their overall quality rating. For personalized information, you can log in or create an account to compare your plan to others and see prescription drug costs.

Get help

Determining what coverage you have now and comparing it to other Medicare plans can be confusing and complicated, but help is available. Call 1-800-MEDICARE or visit the Medicare website to use the Plan Finder and other tools that can make comparing plans easier. You can also call your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for free, personalized counseling. Visit  to find the phone number and website address for your state.


Can You Access Your Retirement Plan Money After a Disaster?

If you have been affected by Hurricane Helene, Hurricane Milton, or another recent federally declared major disaster, you may be relieved to hear that over the past few years, it has become easier to access your work-based retirement plan and IRA money. Following is a summary of the rules for qualified disaster recovery distributions and disaster-related plan loans. For more information, please contact your retirement plan or IRA Administrator.

Penalty-free distributions

Since 2019, many work-based plan participants affected by disasters have had the option to take a hardship withdrawal from their plan accounts to help recover from qualified losses. Generally, hardship withdrawals are subject to a 10% early-distribution penalty for those younger than 59½, as well as ordinary income taxes.

In 2022, the SECURE 2.0 Act ushered in a new provision allowing retirement savers to take qualified disaster recovery distributions of up to $22,000 in total, penalty-free, from their retirement accounts. Plans include (but are not limited to) 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, 457(b) plans, and — unlike hardship withdrawals — IRAs.

The distribution must be requested within 180 days of the disaster or declaration, whichever is later. Although ordinary income taxes still apply to qualified disaster recovery distributions, account holders may spread the income, and therefore the tax obligation, over three years.1

Moreover, account holders have the option of repaying the amount distributed, in whole or in part, to any eligible retirement plan  within three years, thereby avoiding or reducing the tax hit.2 (Note that if a work-sponsored plan does not accept rollovers, it is not required to accept repayments.)

An individual is qualified for a disaster recovery distribution if their primary residence is in the disaster area and the individual has suffered a disaster-related economic loss. Examples of economic loss include:

  • Loss, damage to, or destruction of real or personal property from fire, flooding, looting, vandalism, theft, or wind
  • Loss related to displacement  from the individual’s home
  • Loss of livelihood due to temporary or permanent layoff

This is not a comprehensive list; other losses may also qualify.

Although work-based plans are not required to offer qualified disaster recovery distributions, an individual may treat a distribution as such on his or her tax returns. Qualified disaster recovery distributions are reported on Form 8915-F.

Plan loans

Rather than taking a distribution and having to report it as taxable income, work-based plan participants (but not IRA account owners) may also be able to borrow from their plan accounts.

Typically, plan loans are limited to (1) the greater of 50% of the participant’s vested account balance or $10,000,  or (2) $50,000, whichever is less. In addition, loans generally need to be repaid within five years. However, with respect to a qualified disaster, employers may raise the loan limit to as much as the full amount of the participant’s balance or $100,000, whichever is less (minus the amount of any outstanding loans). Employers may also extend the period for any outstanding loan payments due in the 180 days following a disaster for up to one year; the overall repayment period will adjust accordingly.

Employers are not required to offer plan loans or modify plan provisions due to a disaster.

For more information on qualified disaster recovery distributions and disaster loans, please speak with your IRA or retirement plan administrator, and consider seeking the guidance of a qualified tax professional.

For more information about disaster assistance available from the IRS, please visit

For information specific to Hurricanes Helene and Milton, please visit

For general information about disaster financial assistance available from the federal government, please visit

1) Alternatively, an individual may elect to report the entire distribution in the year it is made.

2) Taxpayers may file an amended tax return for taxes previously paid on the distribution(s).


The Fed Finally Cut Interest Rates. What Could It Mean for Your Finances?

On September 18, 2024, the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) lowered the benchmark federal funds rate one-half percentage point to a range of 4.75% to 5.0%. It was the first rate cut since the Fed raised the funds rate aggressively from March 2022 to July 2023 to help control inflation.1

The long-awaited policy shift suggests that a soft landing — the rare feat of bringing down inflation without causing a recession — is in sight. It also marks a critical juncture for the economy, with significant implications for consumers, businesses, and investors.

Why now?

The Federal Reserve operates under a dual mandate to foster maximum employment and stable prices for the benefit of the American public. For a couple of years rising prices have been considered the more serious threat, but the inflation rate has moved much closer to the Fed’s 2.0% target.

Officials now see these two risks as “roughly in balance.” In his post-meeting press conference, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said, “The labor market has cooled from its formerly overheated state, inflation has eased substantially from a peak of 7% to an estimated 2.2%, as of August.”2

In recent months, job gains have slowed considerably, and unemployment climbed from 3.8% in March to 4.2% in August. Powell maintained that employment data remains at solid levels, but recent changes suggest the downside risks have increased.3–4

Relief for borrowers

Lowering the federal funds rate helps to reduce borrowing costs across the board, creating breathing room in the budgets of many households and businesses.

The prime rate, which commercial banks charge their best customers, typically moves with the federal funds rate. Though actual rates can vary widely, small-business loans, adjustable-rate mortgages, home equity lines of credit, auto loans, credit cards, and other forms of consumer credit are often linked to the prime rate, so the rates on these types of loans should adjust lower relatively soon after a Fed rate cut.

Borrowers with home equity lines of credit, adjustable-rate mortgages, credit card balances, or other outstanding loans with variable interest rates should see their monthly payments fall as well, in many cases within a couple of billing cycles.

Mortgage rates are influenced by a mix of complex factors that includes Fed policies, longer-term inflation expectations, and government bond market dynamics. The rates for 30-year fixed mortgages, which tend to track the yield on the 10-year Treasury note, fell steeply in August after government reports confirmed that inflation and the job market were cooling.5

The average rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 6.09% on September 19, the lowest in 19 months. This is down from a recent peak of 7.22% in early May. Aspiring home buyers have gained significant purchasing power since last spring and mortgage rates may continue to fall gradually, but it’s also possible that much of the anticipated decline in interest rates has already been priced in.6

Too much cash on hand?

Savers have enjoyed being rewarded for holding cash in high-yield savings accounts and short-term certificates of deposits (CDs). Although it may not happen overnight, they should be prepared for the yields on these accounts to follow the Fed funds rate downward. Some bank CDs had  a feature allowing the bank to “call” them before they mature.

Investors who have more cash savings than they expect to need in the next couple of years might consider locking into today’s relatively high yields by shifting money into CDs or bonds with fixed interest rates, without a call feature, and longer terms. For example, someone could purchase bonds that mature when the money is likely to be needed for retirement expenses or to pay for a child’s college education.

Moving more money into stocks, which have historically generated higher average returns over time, is a riskier option that may be appropriate for investors who intend to hang on to them for the long haul, but only if they can endure frequent price swings.

Rate cuts in a strong economy

Past rate-cutting cycles have aimed to boost growth when the economy was in trouble, which doesn’t appear to be the case this time around. Powell stated clearly, “The U.S. economy is in a good place. And our decision today is designed to keep it there.”7

In the second quarter of 2024, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) expanded at a healthy 3.0% annual rate, and recent forecasts based on the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow model indicate that the economy grew at a similar pace in the third quarter.8–9

The September rate cut — which officials hope will keep job market conditions from worsening — is presumably a starting point. The Fed plans to keep cutting interest rates until they reach a neutral stance that should no longer impact the economy for better or worse. According to current FOMC projections, the fed funds rate could drop an additional 0.50% by the end of 2024, and another 1.0% over 2025.10

It can take time for borrowing rates to respond to changes in the fed funds rate and noticeably impact the decisions of consumers and businesses. This “lag” in the effects of monetary policy is one reason that some people fear the economy is not out of the woods.

Whatever happens next, the Committee intends to make policy decisions “meeting by meeting based on the incoming data, the evolving outlook, and balance of risks.”11

The FDIC insures CDs and bank savings accounts, which generally provide a fixed rate of return, up to $250,000 per depositor, per insured institution. The return and principal value of an investment in bonds or stocks fluctuate with changes in market conditions and, when sold, these securities may be worth more or less than their original cost. Investments seeking to achieve higher yields also involve a higher degree of risk. Forecasts are based on current conditions, subject to change, and may not come to pass.

1, 9–10) The Federal Reserve, 2024

2, 4, 7, 11) The Wall Street Journal, September 18, 2024

3) U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024

5) The New York Times, August 8, 2024

6) Freddie Mac, 2024

8) U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2024


Required Distributions: Changes You Need to Know


The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE Act) changed the rules for taking distributions from retirement accounts inherited after 2019. The so-called 10-year rule generally requires inherited accounts to be emptied within 10 years of the original owner’s death, with some exceptions. Where an exception applies, the entire account must generally be emptied within 10 years of the beneficiary’s death or within 10 years after a minor child beneficiary reaches age 21. This reduces the ability of most beneficiaries to spread out, or “stretch,” distributions from an inherited defined contribution plan or an IRA.

In 2022, the IRS issued proposed regulations that interpreted the revised required minimum distribution (RMD) rules. Final regulations have now been issued and are generally applicable starting in 2025. They basically adopt the proposed regulations, while reflecting some changes made by the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 and including certain changes in response to comments received on the proposed regulations. Under these regulations, some beneficiaries could be subject to annual required distributions as well as a full distribution at the end of a 10-year period. Account owners and their beneficiaries may want to familiarize themselves with these changes and how they might be affected by them.

RMD basics

If you own an individual retirement account (IRA) or participate in a retirement plan like a 401(k), you generally must start taking RMDs for the year you reach your RMD age. RMD age is 70½ (if born before July 1, 1949), 72 (if born July 1, 1949, through 1950), 73 (if born in 1951 to 1959), or 75 (if born in 1960 or later). If you are still working for the employer that maintains the retirement plan, you may be able to wait until the year you retire to start RMDs from that account. Failing to take an RMD can be costly: a 25% penalty tax (50% prior to 2023) generally applies to the extent an RMD is not made.

The required beginning date (RBD) for the first year you are required to take a lifetime distribution is no later than April 1 of next year. After your first distribution, annual distributions must be taken by the end of each year. (Note that if you wait until April 1 to take your first-year distribution, you will have to take two distributions for that year: one by April 1 and the other by December 31.)

Lifetime distributions are not required from Roth accounts and, as a result, Roth account owners are always treated as dying before their RBD. Prior to 2024, these two special rules for Roth accounts applied to Roth IRAs, but not to Roth employer retirement plans.

When you die, the RMD rules also govern how quickly your retirement plan or IRA will need to be distributed to your beneficiaries. The rules are largely based on two factors: (1) the individuals you select as beneficiaries of your retirement plan, and (2) whether you pass away before or on or after your RBD.

Who is subject to the 10-year rule?

The SECURE Act still allows certain beneficiaries to “stretch” distributions, at least to some extent. These eligible designated beneficiaries (EDBs) include your surviving spouse, your minor children, any individual not more than 10 years younger than you, and certain disabled or chronically ill individuals. Generally, EDBs can take annual required distributions based on remaining life expectancy. However, once an EDB dies, or once a minor child EDB reaches age 21, any remaining funds must be distributed within 10 years.

Significantly, though, the SECURE Act requires that if your designated beneficiary is not an EDB, the entire account must be fully distributed within 10 years after your death.

What if your designated beneficiary is not an EDB?

If you die before your RBD, no distributions are required during the first nine years after your death, but the entire account must be distributed in the 10th year.

If you die on or after your RBD, annual distributions based on remaining life expectancy are required in the first nine years after the year of your death, then the remainder of the account must be distributed in the 10th year. Annual distributions after your death will be based on the greater of (a) what would have been your remaining life expectancy or (b) the beneficiary’s remaining life expectancy.

What if your beneficiary is a nonspouse EDB?

After your death, annual distributions will be required based on remaining life expectancy. If you die before your RBD, required annual distributions will be based on the EDB’s remaining life expectancy. If you die on or after your RBD, annual distributions after your death will be based on the greater of (a) what would have been your remaining life expectancy or (b) the beneficiary’s remaining life expectancy.

After your beneficiary dies or your beneficiary who is your minor child turns age 21, annual distributions based on remaining life expectancy must continue during the first nine years after the year of such an event. The entire account must be fully distributed in the 10th year.

What if your designated beneficiary is your spouse?

There are many special rules if your spouse is your designated beneficiary. The 10-year rule generally has no effect until after the death of your spouse, or possibly until after the death of your spouse’s designated beneficiary.

What life expectancy is used to determine RMDs after you die?

Annual required distributions based on life expectancy are generally calculated each year by dividing the account balance as of December 31 of the previous year by the applicable denominator for the current year (but the RMD will never exceed the entire account balance on the date of the distribution).

When your life expectancy is used, the applicable denominator is your life expectancy in the calendar year of your death, reduced by one for each subsequent year. When the nonspouse beneficiary’s life expectancy is used, the applicable denominator is that beneficiary’s life expectancy in the year following the calendar year of your death, reduced by one for each subsequent year. (Note that if the applicable denominator is reduced to zero in any year using this “subtract one” method, the entire account would need to be distributed.) And at the end of the appropriate 10-year period, any remaining balance must be distributed.

Relief for certain RMDs from inherited retirement accounts for 2024

The IRS has announced that it will not assert the penalty tax in certain circumstances where individuals affected by the RMD changes failed to take annual distributions in 2024 during one of the 10-year periods. (Similar relief was previously provided for 2021, 2022, and 2023.) For example, relief may be available if the IRA owner or employee died in 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023 and on or after their RBD and the designated beneficiary who is not an EDB did not take annual distributions for 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024 as required (during the 10-year period following the IRA owner’s or employee’s death). Relief might also be available if an EDB died in 2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023 and annual distributions were not taken in 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024 as required (during the 10-year period following the EDB’s death).

The rules relating to required minimum distributions are complicated, and the consequences of making a mistake can be severe. Talk to a tax professional to understand how the rules, and the new regulations, apply to your individual situation.


New Consumer Protections for Weary Airline Passengers

Banks, hospitals, retailers, and airlines are still dealing with the fallout from the massive CrowdStrike IT outage in July. The tech meltdown impacted businesses across the globe, and airlines were hit particularly hard. This was not good news for the airline industry, which just last year had the highest number of flight delays ever recorded.1

The U.S. Department of Transportation determined that the delays and cancellations resulting from the CrowdStrike outage were “controllable,” or caused by the airline. As a result, most airlines were obligated to provide some sort of  compensation and assistance to stranded travelers.2

Fortunately, there could  be much-needed relief for airline passengers on the horizon, thanks to a new federal law and rules issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Hassle-free refunds

In the past, airline passengers were forced to figure out how to obtain a refund by researching an airline’s website or waiting for hours on the phone with an airline’s customer service department. Airline passengers will be entitled to an automatic  refund for:

  • Cancelled or significantly delayed flights (e.g., departure or arrival times delayed by three hours or more for domestic flights and by six hours or more for international flights), regardless of the reason
  • Significantly delayed baggage return
  • Extra services (e.g., Wi-Fi, seat selection, or inflight entertainment) that were paid for but not provided

Airlines must issue refunds of the full amount of the ticket purchased within seven business days of refunds becoming due for credit card purchases and 20 days for other payment methods. Passengers who accept a ticket for a significantly delayed flight or are rebooked on a different flight to their destination will not receive refunds. The refunds must be in the form of cash or whatever original payment method was used to make the purchase (e.g., credit card or airline miles). Finally, airlines are not allowed to substitute for other forms of compensation (e.g., vouchers or travel credits) unless a passenger affirmatively chooses to accept an alternate form of compensation.

Protection against surprise fees

Many airlines advertise cheap “teaser” fares that don’t take into account additional fees — all of which can significantly increase the cost of a ticket. Airlines will be required to disclose various ancillary fees up front, such as charges for checked bags, carry-on bags, and changing or cancelling a reservation. They must also  provide a detailed explanation of each fee before a ticket can be purchased. In addition, under a proposed rule airlines will be prohibited from charging families an extra fee to guarantee a child will sit next to a parent or adult travel companion.

When are these protections scheduled to take effect?

These consumer protections are scheduled to have different implementation periods over the next  year. In addition, the rule on surprise fee disclosures was temporarily blocked by a U.S. Appeals Court last week. Visit the U.S. Department of Transportation’s website at for more information.

1-2)  U.S. Department of Transportation, 2024


What to Know About T Plus 1 Trade Settlement

On May 28, 2024, settlement cycles on U.S. stocks and other securities will shift from two business days to one. For most investors, this shift will have little or no impact. But it will affect some investors and certain types of transactions. It may be helpful to understand the basics of this important change.

T+1 vs. T+2

The trade date (T) is the day your order to buy or sell a security is executed. The settlement date is the day your order is finalized, and when the funds used to purchase the security and any sold securities must be delivered. Put simply, T+1 means most transactions will settle on the next business day after the trade.

For example, under the current T+2 protocol, if you sell shares of a stock on a Monday, the transaction will settle in two business days on Wednesday. Beginning on May 28, 2024, if you sell shares of a stock on a Monday, the transaction will settle in one business day on Tuesday.

Who will T+1 affect?

T+1 will have minimal or no impact on most investors because most brokerage firms require cash or sufficient margin in an account prior to the investor entering any orders to purchase securities in the account. However, if your brokerage firm allows you to make a purchase without sufficient funds in the account, under T+1 you will need to deliver a check or initiate a funds transfer so that the funds are deposited in your brokerage account no later than the next business day.

Another potential effect of T+1 on some investors may be the tighter timeframe to deliver paper certificates for securities that are sold. This is rare today, because investors typically hold securities in their accounts electronically, and the shorter timeframe should not affect electronic transfers. However, if you do wish to sell a security for which you hold a paper certificate, you should be prepared to deliver it to the brokerage firm no later than the next business day after the trade is executed.

Securities affected include stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, certain mutual funds, municipal securities, real estate investment trusts, and master limited partnerships traded on U.S. exchanges. This change will not affect government bonds and options as their settlement is already set at T+1.

Establishing accurate cost basis

When selling a security, any capital gains taxes are calculated using the security’s cost basis, which is the initial amount invested plus any commissions or fees and reinvested dividends and distributions. Under most circumstances, the change to T+1 will have no effect on figuring cost basis. However, if you purchased a security through more than one brokerage firm, you would have one less day to provide information on the previous  purchase(s) to your current firm. Once settlement is complete, your cost basis is established for tax purposes. The best practice is to make sure your current brokerage has full cost-basis information on any securities purchased at previous brokerages.

For more information, see IRS Publication 550, which offers detailed guidance on how to calculate cost basis under different circumstances.

Convenience and close attention

For some investors, one-day settlement may mean greater convenience. In effect, an investor will fully own a security one day sooner than under the current system. This could be helpful for an investor who wants to trade the security quickly or wants to participate in a proxy vote. However, T+1 will also require some investors to pay closer attention to how the shorter settlement time could affect investment, trading, or tax decisions.

All investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal, and there is no guarantee that any investment strategy will be successful.