The lessons learned from “the old Enron story” still apply.
The following is from Edward Mendlowitz’s Feb. 24, 2015 Blog.
“in his book Money: Master the Game, Tony Robbins dredges up the old Enron story, which I agree with, and want to call to your attention now. Here is a brief listing copied from Tony’s book of the lauds, Enron received right up until their bankruptcy filing.
Mar 21, 2001 Merrill Lynch recommends
Mar 29, 2001 Goldman Sacks recommends
June 8, 2001 J.P. Morgan recommends
Aug 15, 2001 Bank of America recommends
Oct 4, 2001 A G Edwards recommends
Oct 24, 2001 Lehman Brothers recommends
Nov 12, 2001 Prudential recommends
Nov 21, 2001 Goldman Sacks recommends (again)
Nov 29, 2011 Credit Suisse First Boston recommends
Dec 2, 2001 Enron files Bankruptcy
Millions of Investors trusted these venerable firms and followed their recommendations. A question I had at the time was, “How much work did they do before they made their recommendations?” I could not have been too much since every recommendation was wrong. Another observation is that many of the largest mutual funds has significant positions in Enron.
Now, lets fast forward to today. Has anything changed? Were lessons learned? Are more intensive analysis being done now? I suggest that nothing has changed. Examples are in the many recommendations to buy oil stocks a few months ago before a subsequent additional 35% drop. …Next, as Robbins points out, most actively managed mutual funds do not outperform the index they are trying to beat….
The principles in the book are easy to understand, digest and act on…. I have condensed them [his seven steps] and … restate as follows:
1. Commit to regular savings program
2. Know and understand why you are investing in
3. Develop a plan and, while at it, reduce spending, keep investment costs low and shed debt
4. Allocate your assets carefully and rebalance periodically
5. Create a lifetime income plan
6. Invest like the .001%, i.e. don’t be stupid and re-look at step 2
7. Be happy by growing and giving
All good advice you can start following today.